Monday, June 15, 2015

Our Denouement! (With a Little Help from Vocabulary, Alphonsis Demorkfeed, and a Sandcastle)

This has been an incredible year! I have loved reading with you, writing with you, making music with you, acting out scenes with you, laughing with you, learning with you, growing with you.

It has truly been sublime.

And now...our DENOUEMENT!

This week, we'll dive into a highly creative (and somewhat crazy) endeavor with words: to write the narrative of Alphonsis Demorkfeed using every single one of our words-of-the-day. Want to see just how crazy this project is? Take a look at the link for a copy of the mission. (You'll get a green one is class, too!).

Our Crazy Mission about Alphonsis Demorkfeed and VOCABULARY!

And before I sign off, here is the photo of our gargantuan SANDCASTLE from our field trip to Crane Beach this past Friday. The central tower was almost six feet tall!

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