Monday, January 11, 2016

Poetic Connections

Welcome back! I honestly missed you all very much while I was away on jury duty, and it is great to be diving back into our work together after your screening of the film Glory Road last week.

Today, we engaged in a creative comparison and contrast between the film Glory Road and the novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.

Instead of writing an analytical comparison to connect the film and the novel, we worked on creative poems by which to relate two characters and their similarities and differences. As an example, I shared a draft of a poem I wrote connecting T.J. Avery from Roll of Thunder to Bobby Jo Hill in Glory Road. Click hear to read the example that we discussed in class today.

Then, we had on music and you all dove into crafting your own creative connection poems. I loved workshopping these poems with you and having the chance to read and connect!

Tomorrow, we will begin our IDEAL SCHOOL project using our novel, the film, and our own experiences! And a little something extra from our old pal Socrates...


Mr. R

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