Now, in our final synthesis paragraph, we're going bigger.
We're going bolder.
We're going bolder!
We're going into the land of imagination. As you work on your fifth paragraph of the synthesis essay tonight, the key question to ask is this: HOW COULD MY SYNTHESIS STATEMENT CHANGE THE WORLD?
In other words, if your synthesis statement were true, how would the world be different? We want to try and include three sentences that discuss your response as a way to close our essays.
Here is our back board from today, where we discussed how to begin this final paragraph, and also viewed the assignment sheet:
Remember that the rough draft of paragraph five is due tomorrow. It doesn't have to be perfect! IN fact, it shouldn't be perfect! Because all good writing is rewriting. We will revise and workshop these paragraphs tomorrow, but give it your best shot to try and envision how your synthesis might play out in the world around you.
Here is an example of how I might think about this question:
When I was a freshman in high school, my high school cafeteria was completely segregated. The school I attended, Windsor High School, was about half black and half white, and during lunch, students separated based on their races. As a timid freshmen, seeing this self-segregation saddened and shocked me. I wondered why. If my synthesis statement were true in this high school world, my cafeteria would have looked very different. Students of all races would have sat with one another. Students' internal interests and ideas would have been elicited as far more important than their outward appearance.
Like I am asking all of us to attempt, this would be my own first-attempt at a final paragraph. I would revise.
Yes! Revision!
Tonight, give it your best shot to write creatively about how your synthesis could or would change the world around you.
And here is a picture of our front board, which we used to help guide our peer edit of paragraph four today:
And finally: our word of the day was EXACERBATE, which means to make worse. This verb can be used, for example, like this: If we get any more snow, it will exacerbate the driving conditions.
Have an awesome evening my amazing students!
Mr. R.
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