Friday, October 31, 2014

Finding (and Being) Our True Selves

Today in class, we explored the characters of Gladys, Mike, and Poppy. We discussed whether these characters feel confident, and whether or not they are able to show others who they truly are. Each character feels fear in certain relationships--and we wondered what it will take for these characters to show their true (intrinsic!) nature.

We watched a fascinating talk by research Amy Cuddy, and then compared and contrasted Cuddy's ideas with what we see in the characters' from our novel, and in ourselves. Here is the talk in case you were absent or would like to watch it again:

Our word for the day from today was INTRINSIC, which is an adjective meaning inner; belonging to the essential nature; deeply natural. Here is an example of the word in a sentence: Mike's intrinsic sense of self is all about using his hands and his heart to create, but his father doesn't (yet) recognize this.

Over the weekend, we are reading Chapter 20 in The Absolute Value of Mike. After reading, share your reflection, below, about this question: What do you think inspires people more: intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? Why? 

Have an awesome evening and a wonderful weekend!


  1. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more, because you should do stuff because you want to it, not forced by money or something.

  2. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more than extrinsic motivation. I think this because intrinsic motivation is more meaningful and it will stay with you longer.
    -Fiona Morrison

  3. I think intrinsic motivation will inspire people more, but the way I see it happening is people actually perform the action because of extrinsic motivation, but after they succeed in getting the reward, they soon tire of it and then wish that intrinsic motivation had inspired them, because it would have stayed with them. But since most people do many things in their life, they will probably have another chance to prove themselves, where intrinsic motivation will inspire them this time.
    --Shreya Kumar

  4. I think that both forms of motivation inspire people the same amount. I feel like at the beginning of an act, people are inspired by extrinsic because it is more motivating to do something, but once the thing is done people will realize that they would have been happier with the intrinsic motivation, kind of like the saying "it's the getting, not the having,"
    --Anna Shlimak

    1. I really like this comment because the saying "It's the giving, not the having" is important.

    2. Good quote Anna!!!!!!!

  5. I think that intrinsic motivation inspires people more because it is inner. Inspiration comes from the inside.

  6. I think intrinsic motivation will inspire people more because, they will have a feeling inside which makes them feel good about themselves and it would be more meaningful. I think extrinsic motivation may make people lose sight of the meaning and the feeling of the concept.
    --Anna Laursen

  7. I think that intrinsic motivation inspires people more because it lasts much longer. When you get motivated inwardly, it stays with you. Unlike an extrinsic motivation, like money or objects which are temporary, intrinsic motivation, like pride, stays with you practically your whole life.
    -- Lwiza AitDowd

  8. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more, because it is something that comes from inside you and it tends to come more naturally. Also when something extrinsic is driving you the motivation doesn't last as long as intrinsic motivation.

  9. I think intrinsic motiavation inspires more people because you will have this forever and will stick with it. You only do it because you want to, you are not forced to do it.
    --Olivia Gomez

  10. Intrinsic motivation is probably more useful because you aren't able to get bored of it, while extrinsic always seems great for a short while, then is gone.
    --Collin Burns

  11. Intrinsic motivation inspires people more because it helps inspire people. When you are discribing things extrinsically you are trying to explains things, and intrinsic can stays with you mostly, and you know what you need to say and how to explain things enough than stress about what you need as time goes by.
    - Tommy Wacek

  12. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more. I personally find people who do things out of intrinsic motivation more inspiring than people who do things out of extrinsic motivation. Would you be more inspired by a person who did something amazing because they wanted the indescribable feeling it provides, or because they were bribed to? Think about it.
    --Riley Neville

  13. I think that you cannot be inspired by one and not the other. If you do something for the prize, even when you get the prize, you still feel proud of yourself for doing it. Similarly, when you do something because you enjoy it and feel proud in the end, you still will usually get a prize also.
    --Emmalyn Mirarchi

  14. I think that these days, people are inspired to do things extrinsically because people are constantly believing that material things re more important than being proud of themselves.
    --Emily Rypinski

  15. I think both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation inspire people depending on the situation and person. Like in The Absolute Value of Mike, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are affecting the characters. Mike (chapter 20) is using insults that are supposed to innerly affect Poppy. Mike's Dad is going to Romania for the reward of math skills and training engineer students. James is only doing it for the extrinsic motivation of math. But most characters are being affected by both. Gladys is only dating the Numnut to physically be able to sing and play guitar, while she is also dating him for self-preservation since she wants to be part of the "in-crowd." That is why intrinsic and extrinsic motivation affect everyone, and both of them are equally important.

  16. I think intrinsic inspires people more. Most people do something not for the money but for your own personal goal for a reason that is dear to themselves. I think extrinsic inspires people too but I think intrinsic inspires more.

  17. I think that intrinsic motivation inspire people more than extrinsic motivation does. I think this because what people really look for in life is approval, and you don't really receive that human bonding experience that comes with approval.
    -Magnus Miller

  18. I think that it depends on what someone is offering when it comes to extrinsic motivation, and who is motivating you intrinsically. If something really big, say a large amount of money or fame is offered, then that might be more inspiring. Also, if someone very important like a parent, or a very close friend says some meaningful words, that might affect someone more. Personally, I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because not often does a person come across such a great offer.

  19. I think it depends on the person. Some people think that the most important thing is that you need to win or get a trophy. Other people can just be proud of themselves and what they have achieved not what they haven't. Sometimes you need both. It is nice to have someone telling you that you are amazing, but it's also nice if you think your proud because you will always know that even though you didn't win, you tried and your proud of that.
    -Angela Xing

  20. In terms of inspiration I definitely think that intrinsic motivation works the best, however extrinsic motivation works very well in some situations, for instance, If Moo wanted Mike to do a math sheet, she would offer him a snicker doodle in exchange for him doing the math sheet. Intrinsic motivation is more admirable because it shows strength , a person can get and A+ on a math test because their parents would pay them five dollars. Or a person can get an A+ on the test because they really want to get good at math and understand the material. I myself would be inspired by somebody who uses intrinsic motivation to their strengths and pushes themselves not because of money or anything else, but because they're striving for a goal or anything else intrinsic. -Fiona Nash

  21. I agree with Tia. I think they both work but it matters the situation. Poppy responds to being yelled at like " If you don't get up then I will go in your workshop" and when Mike broke the yard stick. Moo responds when she is ordered to do something or when she agrees. Past responds when someone is nice to him, and Mike responds when he feels like he should do it or has to do it.


  22. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because, in the end, all people want is to be believed in and have someone be proud of them. They don't want cash or anything physical, they want someone's gratitude. So I think that extrinsic motivation works for a while but it wouldn't last nearly as long as intrinsic motivation.
    -Gwyneth Smedley

  23. i agree with colin. intrinsic is more useful because you dont get bored of it and it last for a long time, while extrinsic doesnt last as long but is good for a short period of time.
    - Will Armstrong

  24. I think that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation inspire people the same. It depends on how the person puts it. If someone thinks that all they want is that prize, and to be in the one, the winner, extrinsic motivation would inspire them more because the thing/prize is pushing them to do better. However, if someone just wanted to do it and have that feeling of pride throughout their life,intrinsic motivation would inspire them, because they just want that feeling of happiness.

    -Meili Stanten

  25. I believe intrinsic motivation inspires people more because you are not doing what you are doing for money, you do it for the respect and honesty of others. Intrinsic motivation is to me one of the most valuable thing in this world. in the discussion on friday you said extrinsic motivation only lasts a little while. -Dylan Ashe

  26. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more the extrinsic. I think because knowing that there is someone out there that cares about you enough to tell you that they are proud is very inspiring. Although i think intrinsic inspires people more, sometimes I think extrinsic inspires people more because they know that they can do anything the want to.

    --Natalie L'Ecuyer

  27. I think intrinsic motivation does because your are born to not give up and are engaged.

    --Mark Goldsher

  28. I feel that there are different circumstances in which you use intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. For the longterm and deeper aspects of solutions or outcomes, you need intrinsic motivation which will be harder to gain. Contrary to this, if you want short-term, easy solutions you will need extrinsic motivation which will come easier, because you can see the outcome clearly in terms of time.
    --Raiya Suliman, A Block

  29. I think intrinsic will motivate better because intrinsic will last forever but if you are being motivated by something extrinsic like money that thing could run out.
    --George Earnest

  30. I think intrinsic motivates people more in the long run. With extrinsic motivation, people will only care about whatever prize they get for a short amount of time, whereas with intrinsic motivation people will always want to feel proud of themselves.
    --Grace Acton

  31. I think that intrinsic motivation inspires people more because it comes from the heart and it is like gold. It cannot be overwhelmed and whoever has this type of motivation I think will be more likely to go farther in life than with extrinsic motivation.
    -Chris Pickreign

  32. I think that intrinsic motivation inspires people more because if you strive to do something and are very passionate about it nothing can stop you.
    -Paul Witmer

  33. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because it never goes away from away from you, it always stays at the same place, it's like it lives there.
    -Pasha Sahin

  34. I think intrinsic modivatoin helps people more because you do it for pride which everyone loves to have. Extrinsic is doing it for an object like money and pride is worth more then money

  35. I think that intrinsic motivation inspires people because it is what you want to do and want to get done so you are in charge of how it goes.
    Clayton Hanlon

  36. I think extrinsic inspires people more -- at least now. Almost everybody does something, as long as they're sure that they'll get something in return; it's just how it is. Very rarely do you come across someone who chases after a dream or does amazingly kind things for others just for the joy and pride of it. I, personally don't like that, but it's true.

    --Allie Hunter

  37. I think intrinsic motivation is more inspiring than extrinsic because it's hard to learn to want/desire something (with extrinsic) whereas with intrinsic you already have your heart and mind set on it.

  38. I think extrinsic motivation inspires people more than intrinsic; at least for a little while. When you tell someone they can earn a whole lot of money doing something, they're going to tune in and if they're convinced they can make something doing it, they will try it more likely than not. However, if someone says you'll be extremely happy doing something but won't gain much else, you'd most likely pass the opportunity. People think that luxury and money is everything and will try hard to get it.

    Nick Joe Lewis

  39. I think extrinsic motivation inspires people more because they see what is happening around them in society. A person might see how everyone has the newest iPhone and that inspires them to save money so they can buy one.

  40. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because your intrinsic motivation is part of who you are, not just something you want. Also, sometimes you only want something for a short amount of time, and then you move on to something else, while intrinsic motivation truly inspires you.
    -Liza Toll

  41. I think extrinsic motivation because they want to rewarded for their sucsess

  42. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because it can last for ever while extrinsic motivation only inspires people for a short time

    1. I think this is true because the money you get lasts for very little time while confidence lasts forever.
      -Ainsley Jones

  43. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because sometimes people think that what they want is the new laptop which is extrinsic, but actually they are inspired by the feeling of success when they save to get the new laptop. That is intrinsic motivation.
    - Rachel Shrives

  44. I think intrinsic motivates or inspires people more because you feel more proud and special when you truly love something. Also intrinsic will more likely carry on with you longer as extrinsic could happen for a short time. Finally, i think its more successful in life to be proud of yourself then to have a bunch of people be proud of you.
    --Kellie Sundeen

  45. I think that it is a tie between both because in intrinsic motivation you do it because you want to and sometimes people are so passionate about something that they are willing to do it because they like it so much. On the other hand, extrinsic means to do something for a reward or prize and most of the time people go for it and do the task for money or a trade.
    ~Caroline Mara

  46. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because with extrinsic motivation you only feel satisfied for a short amount of time and then you want more, but with intrinsic motivation you always know that that person is truly proud of you.

  47. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more because the insperation is coming from within you, like its your decision that you made so to feel prouder of yourself

    Lucas castro

  48. i believe intrinsic motivation inspires people more because the motivation is way deep inside you

  49. i believe intrinsic motivation is more important is people will feel better if they know how people feel about them ----------------------------- HENRY DINAPOLI

  50. i believe that intrinsic motivation is better for your selfestime but i think that more people like extrinsic out comes but intrinsic motivation is much better
    --brooke bourgeois

  51. I believe intrinsic motivation inspires you more, but it takes a period of time before it does. at first, extrinsic motivation is more inspirational but eventually, you just lose drive to do it and you just want intrinsic.

  52. I think intrinsic motivation inspires people more than extrinsic because intrinsic motivation comes fom inside and its what someone truly wants and belives or feels. Its hard to loose intrinsic motavation because its so powerful and personal, but if you do loose it it can be hard to get back.

  53. I think intrinsic motivation is better because you are not doing it for a reward

    David Sampson

  54. i think intrinsic because you shouldn't be motivated to do something you hate for money. You should be motivated to do something you love because you like doing it.
    -Ainsley Jones

  55. i think intrinsic motivation is more important because say in a situation you get money for doing a good deed, then extrinsic is more important, but when you spend all the money, you feel good about yourself doing the good deed and intrinsic is more powerful for the rest of your life

    - sorry Mr. Reynolds, it took me a while to find out what i did wrong when I couldnt publish it
