Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sauntering Along With our Neurons...

Welcome to English! Today, we will be reading and reflecting on two fascinating pieces of writing. Afterwards, we will have time to share a little of our own thing regarding these two texts, and connect them to our novel, THE ABSOLUTE VALUE OF MIKE.

Let's dive in!

First, follow this link to read a two-page overview of the ooey-gooey, sticky, slimy stuff in our brain called neurons and their connections. 

Feel like a brain expert yet? Ready to perform brain surgery?

In all seriousness, now you have some interesting knowledge anput how the brain functions, and how it isn't fully formed until you are about 20 YEARS OLD! That means the way your brain functions now will probably change!

Now, read through this poem by Robert Frost, entitled, "The Road Not Taken." 

Okay! We're ready to reflect! Check out the questions below, and choose one to share in your comment on today's blog. If you have more time, read through and reply too other people's ideas, of respond to the second questions as well. I'm excited to see what you think!

1) Based on the Neurons article and the poem you read, do you think intrinsic or extrinsic motivation works better to help people change and make good choices? Why?

2) Yesterday, we had a great Socratic Seminar exploring success and failure. Based on these two texts, state your case for why failure truly is necessary to succeed, or why it is not.


  1. Well, that depends. Instristic and extristic though being polar opposits, have their similarities. They both reflect on YOU. How do YOU want to be motivated, by feeling good about yourself or being told if you did "this" you would get "this". So what I'm saying is it all depends on you, it's your choice, what works best for You?


    1. i really cannnnnnn relate to that dharma

    2. I would have never thought about failure and sucess thet way! :)

    3. thats awesome dharma

    4. I never thought about it like that!

    5. Thats a good point :) ~Andrea Bradshaw <3

    6. Thats a good way of saying it dharma I definitely agree.

    7. Great point Dharma! Whatever you think is the best fro YOU.

  2. you need faliure to be sucsesful because you need to learn from your mistakes so you dont make them again and that is when you succede -CC

  3. it all depends about the life you have

  4. I think that intrinsic motivation works better than etrinsic because in crocc counttry, running is 20% physical and 80% mental. If you belive that you can contiue runnung, your body will most likely follow. If you can help someone in there mental state, I think it will help them in mental and physical.

    I think that failure is important to find success. If everything goes right and nothing is wrong, then everything is wrong. Like the saying goes, "In order to have peace, you must have war." This quote means if everything is good, people will get used to it and then there is no such thing as "bad" It may dicourage you a bit when you get something wrong, but in the end when its correct, it makes the win 10 times more satisfactory!


  5. I think that failure is needed to succeed because, based on the poem, one of the roads had obiously not been traveled on by a lot of people, which was its failure. Then the person in the car decided to travel on it, its success. Altought it hadnt been traveled on by a lot but then someone travels on it! Also based on the article about our brains, some people that are born blind or deaf, which is not nessicarily a faliure, get their other sences boosted up, which is a sucess.

  6. During our Socratic Seminar I learned that failure is a part of success. We all get confused sometimes and we all make mistakes but to succeed you need to learn from your mistakes. Learning from your mistakes can make you realize something about yourself that you didn't notice before. Also you can take something from your mistakes and it will remind you not to make it again. We all need failure in out life to give us something to hope for or just to give us some inspiration. Failure gives us something to aspire for so that we can achieve something great. -Jessica D.

  7. failure is truly nessicary to sucseed especially in early life beacause, (man this backspace button is small) any way because with out it our brains may not have developed the way they did (now) if they didnt develop that way we might not have as much logic or comon sense as we do now, and if you ask me i think EVERYONE (dont take it personal) needs some more common sense. plus if failing gets people more social skills than we (as man kind (and phones)) need to go back and time and force baby everybody to fail about 20- 3 billion times more than we had, in the first place. (it smelles funny in here, kinda like kitty litter, really clean kitty litter) plus if failing re wired to brain to make people not crack there knuckles, i would be racing to find a way to go back in time and make everybody fail about 1 billion times more than they had previously, (hate the sound, and it doest even feel good)

  8. I think its extristic because if you think about it everyone with a job (most of people above 20) are being motavated by basicly saying if you do a good job on this you will get moeny or get a raise or something im not saying theres nothing intristic just like most of the world is being motavated extristicly - carter

  9. Question 2: I liked the seminar from Yesterday. Failure is needed to success because if you dont fail u wont know what its like to succeed. You wont be as happy if u only succeed, because you wont know the rough time of getting to where you are. You cant spend your life not failing because failing gives u motivation to keep going and too know what u did wrong. If u never Fail then u just failed life. -F for you ~Andrea Bradshaw <3

  10. I think that we need failure, to learn from our mistakes. If it isn't a life or death situation atleast. Mr. Reynolds got his books rejected a few times, and then he got "The Looney Experiment" published. Practice makes perfect, and that is also a part of failure. If you strike out in a baseball game, the next time up at bat, you could hit a home run! Failure is a part of learning, and that is why I think failure is necessary for success.
    ~Andrew Hopper

  11. Question 1: I think that if somone u look up to gives u extristic motivation it might motivate you. But also if u beat down on your sself for getting a bad grade it makes u want to cange because no one wants to be hated or looked down appon. So if you are looking down on your self it realy hurts its realy alot. So that can also give u motivation. ~Andrea Bradshaw <3

  12. I think you need faliure to suceed because if you fail at something you'll know next time whats the right thing so you wont get it wrong next time and you can learn from your mistake.
    -Emma GC

  13. i think that intrinsic motivation is better because the motiviation can come to you naturally,but some people will think that extrinsic is better. So really neither one is better than the other. each one serves their own purpose. -Izzy

  14. I think that intrinsic motivation is better for you to achieve a certain goal, nut I also think that in modern day, more people have extrinsic motivation. The reason why I think this, is because most people today are very greedy and want things just for themselves. And if people know that they will get a reward (other than having pride) then they might strive for that certain goal. Also, failure will always happen in your life, whether you like it or not. But, you can't let get you down. Anyways, I think that failure is good for you and bad for you. It's a win-lose situation. For example, a good thing about failure is that it teaches you to learn from your mistakes and not make the same ones in the future. But one bad thing is that if you fail, you might not be able to get over yourself and not move on.

  15. I think failure is necessary for life because without it no one would make mistakes which would turn society into a dystopia and tyrants would rule because they would never fail or make mistakes. The world would be truly lost in a mess of tyrants,dystopia, and everything would be destroyed eventuallty. That is what would happen if people never made mistakes or failed. If the world stayed the same we may still have war but at least not all society would be a dystopia with tyrants ruling over them.
    -John B.

    1. I agree, but it could also go the other way. It could become a world like The Giver, and we all know what kind of boredom that created.

  16. I think failing is a part of succeeding and everyday life because if you dont fail, you wont learn from your mistakes and know what you did wrong so you dont make a simular mistake. Another example of why failing is a part of succeeding is that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both failed at one point.

  17. I think intrinsic motivation works better for me, but like we talked about yesterday, everyone is different. Some people might be more motivated by extrinsic motivation. I don't think you should only be motivated by intrinsic or extrinsic, I think you should be motivated by both, since both are important but for me, intrinsic motivation seems to motivate me more than extrinsic. I think this helps me to make good choices because I am doing what I want and noot trying to impress someone else. I think intrinsic motivation might be better because your motivating yourself, but both are important in life. ~ Kaitlyn Ostrowski

  18. Honestly, I think extrinstic motivation is better to help people make good desisions. Of course there are exeptions, like people are pushing you in he wrong direction, but if they teach you the so called good things, it could help. People these day are shallow, at least to some degree. Argue all you want people, it's just MY opinion. They want people to think of them highly, want to fit their image of 'perfection'. On the other hand, if you truly want something, it could also help to steer you in the right direction. Intristic motivation can be very strong, although it can be rare. In general, id say extrinsic motivation is better, considering its easier for most to achieve. But if you want something that's really powerful but rare, intrinsic motivation is more valuable.

    1. "Argue all you want people, its just MY opinion."

      ~Linlin Yu

  19. In my opinion, failure IS truly necessary because we learn from our mistakes, or in other words, failure. Without failure, you have nothing to learn from. Plus, like the poem, in which there are two choices, to go down one road or to go down another. If you start off in the good road, you will never know about the bad road. If you fail to choose the good road, then you will learn from your mistake and never go down that path again. Basically, I think that the poem is an analogy to making choices in life. In the poem, the person took the road less traveled by, which made all the difference- just like in life, there is sometimes a choice arises such as the following: do the good thing for you, or the good thing for others. Unfortunately, not many choose to do the good thing for others- the road less traveled by. However, the charactor also said that that made all the difference in the end because in the long run, taking "the road less traveled by" is the right choice to make.

  20. i think intristic motivation is better because just because somthing looks better does not mean it is if you judge someone by there apperance or how much money they have it does not mean they are perfect most people use extristic choices though sometimes we think we are not use extristic choices but we really are. like at school some people think they are better than others because hey have alot of money. most people think extristic choices are better but they really are not

  21. Question 1
    I think that the different types of motavation whether its extrinsic or intrinsic depends on the person. For example in The Absolute Value of Mike, Mike is motivated by intrinsic motavation because he himself wants to help Misha. In Rudy the Janitor motavated him in a extrinsic manner. He said " You will be sorry you quit "............ Jack Yu

  22. Failure is needed to suceed. When you fail and work out the problem, the next time you do that same task, your brain will make the CORRECT connections and you won't fail.
    "If you don't fail, then you have failed" ~J.K. Rowling
    In that quote, J.K.Rowling is saying that you and your brain learn from failure and so then you don't fail, you never have learned the right way. Later in liffe then, you will fail and not know how to fix your problem and eventually suceed. You should fail at least once before you are 20, because then your brain can learn the correct connections and when you fail in the real world again, you will know how to succeed after you failed. So the lesson is that you need to fail at least once to succeed......

  23. Extrinsic motivation does channel your thoughts in a certian direction, but intrinsic motivation makes good long term decisions, except when driven by laziness; the theif of time, creator of stress, and the prompter of self demotion about organization. I don't think prompter is a word. However, good intrinsic motivation provides organization and planning, while extrinsic motivation can simply be used to cope with popularity or drive forward a beneficial goal with only halfhearted desire. This makes for a lower chance of completion of the goal.

  24. i think you need failure to succed for a couple of reasons. one reson is that without failure at all your brian will not expand and you won't exoeince a vaiety of things in your life."without failure your life is a failure" was something that J.k. Rowling said and i think that the quote mean s that you have to ive your life and learn from you're mistakes. Also, the poem can represent tsking the path that less people take, like becoming a writer (a usually slow money earner) and taking the more common parh a beoming a office worker. what i mean is that somettimes you can fail doing what you like and with that failure it will inspire to keep on writing or to keep on doing what ever you are doing and hopefully with all that effort you will get something out of it. In concluesion failure can sometimes be useful, wether to learn a new expirence and expand your knoledge or to keep on trying and not giving up. -William Walling-Sotolongo

  25. In my opinion, failure IS truly necessary because we learn from our mistakes, or in other words, failure. Without failure, you have nothing to learn from. Plus, like the poem, in which there are two choices, to go down one road or to go down another. If you start off in the good road, you will never know about the bad road. If you fail to choose the good road, then you will learn from your mistake and never go down that path again. Basically, I think that the poem is an analogy to making choices in life. In the poem, the person took the road less traveled by, which made all the difference- just like in life, there is sometimes a choice arises such as the following: do the good thing for you, or the good thing for others. Unfortunately, not many choose to do the good thing for others- the road less traveled by. However, the charactor also said that that made all the difference in the end because in the long run, taking "the road less traveled by" is the right choice to make.

  26. I think that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation help to get people to change and make good choices, I think that intrinsic motivation helps because It's your choice to change; it's up to YOU, it's what's inside of YOU that will really make you change and pick the good choices over the bad. But also I think that extrinsic motivatin either helps you or not so much depending on the situation. For example if you have someone in your life that doesn't always make the greastest choices that coud maybe motivate you to do the same kinds of thing that there're doing. But if you have someone in your life that's always nice to others and makes good choices that would most likely motivate you to be like them.

  27. I think that intrinsic motivation will have you make better choises. On the other hand, I think that extrinsic motivation is used more in this modern world. With intrinsic motivation, people really strive for the goal they want. They don't care about what others think about them and they don't let anybody's negative opinions effect them. People with intrinsic motivation have always desired the goal and they don't nessisarily do it for fame or money. People with extrinsic motivation usually make their actions and desicions based on the situation they are in. If they want money, they would make a different choice then if they wanted to help their family. They just want a reward for themselves. Take the risks and make the choices that are the best for YOU. Now lets talk about failure. I do think that at least one failure is important (not that I want you to intentially fail) but you have to get over the fact and just move on. You'll have to learn from your mistakes but you will have to move on!!

    -Claire S.

    1. Agreed, Claire.
      We also need to forget the hard parts of our lives and move on into the future.

      ~Linlin Yu

  28. Elena Junkala Question 1
    I think intrinsic motivation is better for making people change. To change, their brain needs to develop new tools. For developing new tools, the brain needs to have a lot of motivatoin, and a need/ desire to develop those tools. Extrinsic motivation is not as strong as intrinsic motivation, especially when it is YOUR brain that needs to change. Somebody really wanting your brain to recover, say a family member, is good but it is just not the same as you wanting your brain to recover. They aren't the one controlling your brain, you are. So they might be able to help you change depending on what your brain is like, but it will happen much slower than if you have the motivation to change.

  29. I think failure is necessary because if you don't have anything failure you won't feel as much success as you would if you failed and tried again or have some feeling of failure in you.

  30. When you fail at something you might give up, You might also persevere and continue what you had previously failed and may end up succeeding. Failing and success go hand in hand because without success you can never know failure and vise versa.

  31. i think faler is nesisary because it teaches yiu and helps you becom a beter person

  32. failure is necessary because if you only succeed how will you know how it is to fail and learn things in life you would have never guessed could learn but even if you only fail the sucsess is much sweeter the harder the quest was.

  33. I think intrinsic motivation works better for most people, because people ususally want to do what they want to do. They want to have fun doing the things they love. I think people would rather have fun in what they are doing in life, instead of getting a reward. So, when you want to change, or someone tries to change you, you would want positive motivation. People who ususally get positive motivation, usually work to reach their goal. I think, that if people push you to do something you dont want to do, you won't want to do that task at all. Intrinsic motivation is much more fulfilling to a person, because they feel that they did that because they wanted to. Not because anyone else told them to.

    -Olivia Kehoe

  34. Failing is needed in life just as much as succeeding is needed. Its like good and bad, light and darkness, you cant have one without the other. Without failing, would there be no succeeding, and without succeding was there ever a chance to fail. Basically failure is needed to succeed so that: A. You can learn from your mistakes to do better next time. And B. Without failure, succeeding would be impossible. - Rocco Massoni

  35. Failure depends on if you choose to accept it or not. I mean, you learn from your failures but the thing is if you don't let the failure sink into you and actually make you learn from your mistakes, you're techinically not going to succeed. Scientifically, it's been proven that if you get or do something wrong once, psychologically you'll make that same mistake. However, if you do stick up with the failure and figure out what you did then you will most likely succeed in anything.

  36. i think intrinsic has more of an affect on you to make good choices because you have to think in your mind weather the choice is good or not

  37. I think that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation both have their pros, but also have their cons. Intrinsic motivation might help you get off that couch and do something because YOU want to. You're not being told by anyone else to do that. But, you may run out of motivation if it's only you pushing yourself. Extrinsic motivation may work for some people because they have no choice but to get off that couch, or else they won't stop being bothered by ANOTHER PERSON. It's not their choice whether or not they get up. But, sometimes if you are pushed too far, it can have a negative effect on you and make the healing process go in reverse. I think it is your choice what you want to do because you are your own person and something that might work for someone else, might not be so successful for you. So, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are equal to me.

    1. yes i agree completly!! i have to get off the couch sometimes! jk i never sit down :)

    2. I agree that they both have their pros and intrinsic is more important

  38. I think that intrinsic motivation works best to change in a good way. Intrinsic motivation is purely what YOU want, nobody else can control that. Others can try to change your opinion, but in the end it's all you. In extrinsic motivation, you have less control. In many books there is the "We will kill Bob if you don't do this", which is extrinsic. You have a choice, but your choice is manipulated by someone else.
    The neutrons article says that to change, your brain has to develop. The brain is internal, so intrinsic motivation is better

  39. I think that extrinsic motivation works better than intrinsic becuase people especially kids go for peer pressure and what other people tell them that they should do and what is right even if it isn't necessarily correct. But, say someone wants to do something but all of there friends either aren't doing it or don't think that its cool then the person that is thinking about doing it thinks twice before he/she does it. That just goes to show that extrinsic motivation seems to work better among kids.
    I think that in order for true success that a failure that occurs on a large scale should happen to the person so that they have and epiphany which changes the way that they think and makes them then succeed with something else. But, this big failure could be something as small as losing something that is considered important or as large as being fired from work or not getting your dream job. It could even be not being to feed yourself and your family. But, this will then make you realize how much better you could make yourself become and how, or just how you could change for the better. But, the failure can't be something on the scale that causes fatalities like "not defusing a bomb"-micheal.

  40. Gia McCabe
    1st question
    I think intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are both good. But I think motivation should come mostly from intrinsic because you shoud not care what other people think. So, if you have a choice to make, I would rely mainly on intrinsic motivation.
    2nd question
    I think in most situations failure is good and will most of the time teach you something. But, like Mr.Reynolds explained sometimes you have one chance to succeed and if you fail, you cant get back up and try again. Also, with failure great success can come from what you learned.

  41. In your life you need failure, because if you try something and it fails, then you can try again and when you try again you know what to do the next time. So, you will have a better chance of succeeding and be able to fix your mistakes. :)

    - O.B

  42. Personally, intrinsic motivation works better because most of it is in your brain. Let's be honest here, if we were to receive more extrinsic value than intrinsic, we would actually have no FEELING. Feelings wok to help you become something that you want to be or something you want to do. The emotional intrinsic values help us to achieve something more than anything esle. HAPPINESS

  43. Failure is necessery because if you do not fail you will never learn any lessons in life, and if you are always right, no one likes someone who is that way

  44. I think failure truly is necessary to succeed. I thnk this because as one person said, "If you haven't failed in life, you have already failed." This means if you haven't even tried something, then you have failed because your afraid of failing. In my opinion, if you have failed multiple times but are still determined to accomplish something, then you have not failed in my mind. Eventually, if you keep being persistent then you will probably succeed. Success is all about failure. One out of a million people get what they want the first time. Most people say they failed when they are not happy what they have created, or what have they have been giving. But failure is the greatest gift. Failure helps you find out who you really are. You find out if your a quitter, or if you shake it off like nothing happened. I think faliure is the key to success, and without it, our world would be very different.

    -Olivia Kehoe

  45. Understanding Motivation and Failure

    1) In my opinion, I think that intrinsic motivation is better for making people change than extrinsic motivation. You are sticking to problems longer, and in order to solve most problems your brain needs time to make correct decisions. But it is up to you to decide which type of motivation you want. I'd prefer intrinsic, as thinking deeper under the ocean of the iceberg makes me feel less idle.

    2) Failure is an essential part of life. We all make 'missteaks', but the important part of making them is learning from them and correcting ourselves. If you've never experienced failure before, you are failing. Every one of us has so much more to learn about this everchanging world. To obtain success, we need to prove to ourselves that 'missteaks' are very normal and that they are made everyday. Without failing in life, you will never succeed. Do not give up on your dreams- we all have at least one.

    ~Linlin Yu

    1. Failure and success greatly coincide with one another. Failure is a key part being able to succeed! Learning from failure with better insure that you will feel a greater rush and flow of pride at the climax of your success. It is also a key thing that the young and the old will experience at one time or another. It is almost a necessity to have grown to deal with in your life time.

      Whichever path that you will follow in your lifetime, know that you DEFINITELY have highs and lows, failures and successes. Build your story off of these, and no doubt the paths in which you chose to take will pay off, ten fold.

  46. Failure can fuel success, because when you fail, you know what to change and what to improve to succeed. Failure also drives you to succeed even more, and know matter who makes fun of you, and who doesn't believe you can acomplish anything, strive to become the best person you can be with the help of friends and family.

  47. 2)
    I believe we need failure to succeed because we will never learn from our mistakes if we dont face fear. Fear is just a bad Patch that people go through sometimes. But wE can get out of this, and when we Get out of this "rough patch" we are a way better, and stronger person than we were before. FeAr is the key to sucCess, because fear makes people strOnger. And once we get strongeR, we get less and less afraid of fear, and oblivioN. We become someone who is absolutely great. Because We are no longer afraid, we are undaunted, we are fearless. (Combine all the capitalized letters to find the best word ever :) )

  48. 1) I think that intrinsic motivation helps people change and make good choices because if you motivate yourself you actually want to do it. If someone is motivating you you may still not want to do it but they have convinced you. You feel better about something that you did by yourself.

    2) I think that there could be failure that leads to success or there could just be a lot of hard work before your success, even if there is no failure. Success has such a broad definition that there is no real set way to do it. You could buy one scratch ticket and win 10,000 dollars, or you could attempt to do a front flip on a trampoline 400 times and finally land it. Depending on who you are, either of those could mean success to you.

  49. I think you need to fail to succeed in your life because if you never fail at any thing. You start to think you are going to succeed and when you fail you will never get back up from your failure.I also think that if you tried some thing and you fail but you get one part right well I think thats also success.phoebe c

  50. 1) In my own oppinion I think that Intristic motavation would work better because if you are being motavated to do something that you really really want to do that would pick me off the couch and get me moving.On the other hand if I was being motavated to do something I don't completely care about I might lay it of and do not take inthe motavation.Although I think this I also feel like this is a very personal opinion like we found out the deffinition of success was yesterday.

    2) I feel that fsilure is needed to succeedbecasue if you could just succeed and not have to go through any thing to do it, it would really feel like succeeding it would just be getting what you want. Also if you never fail you will always suceed and if you always suceed it will soon be like you really didnt suceed.

  51. I think success is something that is worth while, and it is not success unless there was work along the way.

    (This is an incomplete paragraph I didn't have time to finish).


  52. 1)In my opinion, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation can help to solve different problems in different situations. For example, if you don't want to do your homework (For the purposes of this argument, we will imagine it's your least favorite homework to do) then extrinsic motivation(in the form of an adult) may work equally well as intrinsic motivation(in the form of you telling yourself that after you finish this homework, you can go do whatever you like to do most) But it is up to you (and your brain) to decide which form of motivation that you like or work with best.

    2) It is my opinion that depending on what you mean by "success", failure could be crucial to success or not. Take nylon, for example. The chemist who made it, Wallace Carothers, didn't know how to turn the jelly-like substance at the bottom of the test tube into a cloth until one of his assistants stretched the stuff down the hall.

  53. 2) Failer is an essantial part of life. One reason I believe failure is essentail for a successful life is that if you only succeed your whole life and have no experience with failing, and then you fail one day, you will have no experience with how to deal with the hard situation you are in. Also, failure can teach you so many more things then succeeding can. If you fail while trying to do something once, you wont forget that failure, so if you ever have to do something similar you will remember what you did wrong the first time and the second time you wont make the same mistake.
    -Alex Jorgensen

  54. 1. i think you should push yourself because you will be to stressed if someone else is

    2. falure is necessary but falure very bad can lead to bad things like depression

    - michael gibbons

  55. Question 2) Failure is needed for succes. The reason why failure is needed is because without failure you would make the same mistakes over and over again and you would never learn from failure. For instance when i had 4 place in my kung-fu tornament I did not pout or whine I just practiced harder and harder. Then I did two forms and I got 2 place in one and 1 place in the other. i had failed my tornament last year but I had success with this years tornament. If you do fail, you can achieve success by not giving up and striving harder and harder until you get your goal. This is why failure is nessary for success.

    ~Aaryan H Bhatt

  56. I think extrinsic and intrinsic motivation both play a part in success. There have been multiple examples of how extrinsic motivation helps people achieve much more than others who don't have that motivation. In one study, a couple people had a school full of students take a test. After everyone took the test, the people sent out the test results to the school. But the results that they posted were fake! Based on those results, teachers would motivate the students who were said to have gotten a higher score on the test. The students who were encouraged by the teachers actually got better grades from there on.
    Intrinsic motivation is also very important because your success depends on how you see the world. A person can achieve almost anything if they believe that they can, but obviously, it can be very hard to believe in yourself. If you believe that you can achieve something, then you have the most intense form of motivation: motivation from yourself!
    -Sarah Sobalvarro

    1. Sarah i totally agree with you.

      ~Aaryan H Bhatt

  57. I think that they can both be really helpful, yet I think that intrinsic is more important because you truly want to do the thing, but extrinsic is someone else wanting you to do it, also instrinsic is from deep down, but extrinsic is from the surface.


  58. I feel that intrinsic motivation is more important than extrinsic because anybody can tell you to stop something, but you're the one tht makes the call.

    Failure is very important, as long as you learn from it. You can make millions of mistakes but as long as you learn from them each time, you will be wiser than the other person who didn't learn.

    -EthanM :3

  59. You need to experience failure in life because if you never fail than you will never learn from your mistakes and want to try harder to succeed at something. J.M.

  60. Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation both play key roles to mkaing good choices but intrinsic is more powerful for rewiring your brain to make good choices. Extrinsic is important because youll get the idea in your head to change, because youll come to the realization that other people think that. With intrinsic motivation you would be able to know deep in your heart that you need to change, not because of what other people thimk but because you are empowered to do so. You listen to your own messages that your brain sends to you than other people say to you.
    -Jack Sennott

  61. "If you dont fail, you have failed." -JK Rowling This quote helps me understand that failure is helpful in succeeding in life. I agree that if you havent failed you have failed. failing helps you realize something you would have never known if you hadent failed. Once you have failed you can then suceed at something. I think that once we fail once or twice, you will then know how to deal with something or help somone else. we will all go through life failing at lesast once. We are not perfect, we are just human beings living our lives the way we choose. We eventually willl hopefully all suceed one day. One day we will fail, others we will suceed. I think that to accomplish something will all must fail at least once. The most amazing people in out world have even failed. No one is completley perfect
    -mackinlay chipman

  62. I feel that failure is something that everyone can learn from, and it's really good to experience it so you know what's it's like. Failure is importent in life, because you can teach yourself to get back up and don't give up, just being successful in my opinion, is just a waste of time. It's like you didn't work hard to be successful, like you quit and Just somehow make it through life. Change the world, you can!:)

  63. I think that failure happens for a reason there is always a reasson for failure like if you try to pudlish a book and you don't get picked by one publisher then you get picked by another publisher then you were supost to have that happen --Jason

  64. 1.) I think that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation both have a huge effect on your choices. It really depends on what kind of person you are, and how heavily other's opinions affect you. If other people's input really sways you, then extrinsic motivation might have more of an effect. If you're the kind of person who knows how to motivate yourself, intrinsic motivation might be what you use more to get things done and to make good choices. The two kinds of motivation work very differently, so I personally think it's 50/50.

    2.) Have you ever heard the term "you learn from your mistakes"? That's not just something adults tell you to make you feel better, it's actually how most successes come to be. You experience failure, you learn what to do differently next time, and through enough trial and error, you can build yourself up and accomplish something. Of course, sometimes you get it right on the first try. However, you usually need to work your way up to your goal. Failure may not be anyone's favorite thing, but it is a very necessary part of life.--Tara

  65. Failure is an important thing in life because it is a way of being able to correct your mistakes through success. Failure is also a way of connecting to you mistakes and the correcting them through your experiences of failures. --Annie
